Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Windows Azure SQLExpress Not Found

Recently i started digging into Windows Azure. When i started my first project i ran into an issue. I did not had SQL Express 2005 on my machine instead i had SQL server 2005 full edition.

I got a below error while running Windows Azure.

"The SQL Server instance '.\SQLExpress' could not be found. Please verify that SQL Express is installed and running"

Azure seems to be configured to SQL Express in CTP. This needs to be changed to SQL server 2005 connection string.

I did a change in DevelopmentStorage.exe.config at C:\Program Files\Windows Azure SDK\v1.0\bin

After changing the connection string and dbServer it started working fine.


Anonymous said...

Very good. Settings that in a .config file in a CloudService project should be a top priority for Microsoft. Until then, changing it manually through the %PROGRAMFILES% folder works for me!

Anonymous said...


To configure development storage to run against a local instance of SQL Server, rather than against SQL Express, call DSInit with the /sqlInstance parameter, passing in the name of the target SQL Server instance. Use the name of the SQL Server instance without the server qualifier (e.g., MSSQL instead of .\MSSQL) to refer to a named instance. Use "." to denote an unnamed or default instance of SQL Server. You can call dsInit /sqlInstance at any time to configure development storage to point to a different instance of SQL Server.